The Monthly Lecture Meeting
2000年度に行われた月例発表会でのレジュメのタイトル一覧です。PDFファイルをアップロードしているモノは、閲覧が可能です。 PDFファイルの閲覧にはAcrobatReaderが必要です.

■2000/12/18 第37回 月例発表会
│□-Designing of Car-Navigation System by Intelligent Artifacts-
│□-Study of Parallelization in the improved DORAR method-
│□-Application of DORAR method to Nonlinear Optimization Problems-

│□-The weight-sum method's effect in the solutionin multiobjective genetic algorithm-
│□-The Proposal of New Method Adopting a Peculiarity of VEGA-
│□-Performance of Simurated Annearing with adaptive neighborhood-
    -Important temperature and distribution of changing energy for the worse at TPSA-

■2000/11/27 第36回 月例発表会
├●Dual DGA のグリッドモデル谷村勇輔
│□-The Grid-enabled Model of the Dual DGA-
│□-Application of DORAR method to Nonliner Optimization Problems-
□ -Tutorial for Micro AVS-

■2000/10/30 第35回 月例発表会
│□-Application of DORAR method to Nonlinear Optimization Problems-
│□-DORAR method with the mechanism of presuming the active constraint based on learning-
├●知的ネットワークシステムへの強化学習の適用 -Q-learningによる知的照明システムの構築-冨田浩司
│□-Application of Reinforcement Learning to Intelligent Network Systems
│   - Construction of Intelligent Lighting Systems by Q-Learning -
├●ITSにおける知的ネットワークシステムの構築 -知的信号機システムの提案-中島史裕
│□-Construction of Intelligent Network Systems in Intelligent Transport Systems
│   - Intelligent Signal Systems -
│□-Design Support System with Network Collaboration Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm-
└●多目的GAにおけるマスタースレーブ型並列モデルの提案 渡邉真也
    -A New Master Slave Model of Parallel Genetic Algorithms
for Multi Objective Optimization Problems -

■2000/9/28 第34回 月例発表会
├●IBMハイパフォーマンス・コンピューティング フォーラム2000 報告 その1角美智子
│□-The Report About IBM HPC FORUM 2000 (part1)-
├●IBMハイパフォーマンス・コンピューティング フォーラム2000 報告 その2長谷佳明
│□-The Report About IBM HPC FORUM 2000 (part2)-
□ -The acceleration of the DORAR method-

■2000/9/4 第33回 月例発表会
│□-The importance of the max temparature for Simulated Annealing-
│□-Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithm Applied to Traveling Salesman Problems-
□ -Best Combinatorial Crossover in Genetic Algorithms-

■2000/7/31 第32回 月例発表会
│□-A Comparison of Selection at Simple genetic Algorithms-
│□-The Selection method's effect on the Pareto optimal solutions
│□ in Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm-
│□-Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem-
□ -Visualizing Parallelized Quick Sort with Realtime Video Overlay-

■2000/6/19 第31回 月例発表会
│□-Design of Intelligent Artifacts with Multiple Criterions-
│□-Classed Problems by Landscape og Genetic Algorithms-
│□-Prediction of Protein Tertiary Structures-
│□-Parallel Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization for Block Layout Problems-
├●A Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Distributed Environment Scheme金子美華
│□-Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Distributed Environment Scheme-
└●The Difference of Parallel Efficiency between the Two Models of
    Parallel Genetic Algorithms on PC Cluster Systems谷村勇輔
    -The Difference of Parallel Efficiency between the Two Models of
    Parallel Genetic Algorithms on PC Cluster Systems-

■2000/5/1 第30回 月例発表会
│□-The Trends and Prospects of The Next Generation Games (PlayStation2,X-box and Dolphin)-
│□-An portable telephone for coming generation-
│□The de fcto standard and the prospects of IEEE802.11 on a standard for wireless LANs-
│□-The future of the next generation's CPU-
│□-Entertainment Robot-
│□-The impact of business model patent in Network Age-
│□-Electronic commerce and the actual circumstances-
├●Intelligent Transport System(ITS)の動向と技術課題杉野圭祐,冨田浩司
│□-Trends in ITS and Key Technologies for Future Development-
│□-A Future produced by JINI-
│□-The Future of Removable Media-
│□-Memory Card In Next Generation〜SD Memory Card vs Memory Stick〜-
│□-Memory of Next Generation-
│□-Current and Future state of the Bluetooth-
│□-the actual situation and the future of both XML and XHTML-
│□-Ubiquitous Computing-
│□-Internet Finance-
│□-Internet Appliance-
□□-Contents delivery system-

■2000/4/15 第29回 月例発表会
│□An Ourline of Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms
│□Optimal Genetic Operators for Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms
│□A Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithm with Distributed Environment Scheme
│□The Examination in Migration Rate and Migration Interval of pooled Distributed Genetic Algorithms
│□Parallel Genetic Algorithm's Model Applied to Cluster Computing and Global Computing
│□An Implementation of parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithm
│□An outline of Simulated Annealing
│□Parallel Simulated Annealing using Genetic Crossover
│□The outline of Ditributed Optimization by Resource Additon and Reduction method
│□Genetic Algorithms in Multiobjective Optimization Problems
│□Fundmental Aspects of Intelligent artifacts
│□Next Generation Network systems of Intelligent artifacts
│□- Fundamental Discussion by Simulation of Intelligent Lighting Systems -
│□Construction of Creative Thinking Support System Based on Concept Database
│□real world oriented interface 〜Phyzical Infomation Fusion〜
└●Web対応エンジニアリングデータベース 三木光範
□□Development of an Enginnering Database System with High Function Internet Accessing

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